
6 Reasons to Consider Hormone Replacement Therapy

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6 Reasons to Consider Hormone Replacement Therapy

You probably remember when you first became aware of hormones. You hit puberty and got walloped by a variety of sex hormones. If you were a girl, estrogens transformed you into a woman. If you were a boy, testosterone (T) transformed you into a man.

You probably became hyper-aware of your own sexuality and were either embarrassed or excited by the changes in your body. Your hormones helped you fall in love and — if you’re a parent — conceive a child.

But as you age, your hormones begin to dwindle. As estrogens and T decrease in both women and men, some of those exciting and embarrassing effects of puberty also decrease. 

You may notice unpleasant changes such as:

  • Lack of sex drive
  • Erectile dysfunction in men
  • Dry vagina and painful sex in women
  • Dry and sagging skin
  • Muscle loss
  • Fat gain

In fact, hormonal imbalances also come with a host of other symptoms that leave you feeling less than your optimal self. Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) restores your hormones to healthy, functioning levels to reduce symptoms and increase your well-being.

At Houston Testosterone Club and Wellness Center, our board-certified physician, Malini Kumar, MD, offers HRT to women and men who have suffered from a decrease in essential sex hormones. We determine your candidacy after an in-depth evaluation that includes blood tests, a physical exam, and medical history.

Do you wonder if HRT could improve your life? Following are some reasons why it might.

1. HRT turns up the romance

Whether you’re coupled, happily single, or just looking, if you’ve noticed that your libido has flagged recently, HRT can bring it back up to speed. Sexual intimacy — whether with a partner or alone — is essential to good physical and mental health. 

Regular orgasms come with a host of benefits, including lower stress levels and a reduced risk of cardiovascular disease. So, by restoring your libido with HRT, you not only may save your relationship, you may extend your own life.

2. HRT makes sex exciting again

Now that your libido is on track with HRT, you’re happy to find that sexual intercourse itself is as joyful and exciting as it was when you were younger. 

Women experience benefits such as:

  • Increased lubrication
  • More arousal
  • No pain or discomfort
  • More intense orgasms

Men who suffered from ED find that they can better achieve and maintain an erection. With HRT, you don’t just think about and want sex more often than without it — sex itself is fulfilling again.

3. HRT puts on muscle

Muscle has been called the “organ of longevity.” The more muscle tissue you have, the faster your metabolism. Muscles help you burn fat.

In addition, strong muscles help keep your bones strong, too. The pressure that dense muscles put on your bones keeps your bones producing new bone cells at a higher rate, reducing your risk for osteoporosis. Building more muscle builds stronger bones.

4. HRT makes you feel better

The lack of estrogen and progesterone in women and the lack of T in men can bring on a general fatigue that makes it harder to get through your day. In addition, low hormones often lead to insomnia, so that your body and brain never get rested. 

Without HRT, you may feel:

  • Depressed
  • Anxious
  • Moody
  • Irritable
  • Fatigued
  • Foggy

You may also struggle with memory problems. But after your body adjusts to HRT, your mood stabilizes and your energy returns. Your memory and thinking are sharper, too.

Women get relief from hot flashes and night sweats. In addition, both women and men may notice a reduction in urinary issues, especially night-time urination. That benefit alone can also aid in improving sleep. 

5. HRT may protect you

In the first days of HRT for women, flawed studies suggested that those early formulations raised the risk for breast cancer and heart disease. New research, based on large population studies, have shown just the opposite. In fact, HRT improves lipid profiles and reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease.

For both sexes, balancing hormones can lower your risk for diabetes. It also protects your bones from osteoporosis and may reduce your risk for dementia.

6. HRT makes you look better

Feeling better on HRT may make you look more energized and youthful. But the aesthetic benefits extend beyond that. 

Both women and men will notice cosmetic benefits such as:

  • More muscle, less fat
  • Thicker, more glowing skin
  • Less hair loss and possible hair regrowth

Are you a candidate to improve the way you look and feel with HRT? Contact our helpful team today by phone or online form.